Wondercon: exhibiting and visiting. 

“Wow!”         ….I can’t think of any other way to start this post and describe this convention.   First I’d like to point out that we really didn’t get the warmest of welcomes. Actually, compared to some of the cons in AZ, it was a terrible welcome.   But as an exhibitor I was, in no way, prepared for the massiveness of this convention.  After realizing how massive and important this convention is, I suddenly felt very small over in the corner at my little “Artist Alley” table.  Once I got a hold of myself I realized that this weekend was going to be amazing.   Wondercon kicks ass,  and also kicked my ass

At first I was a little offended when I heard one con employee refer to the crowd as the “sheeple.”  Once I saw the size of the crowd I understood where he was coming from.

The massive crowd began roaring when the announcer came on the PA and said (the convention floor is now open). It shook the walls.   if I had to compare it to something, I would say it was like the first time you heard the dinosaur roar in Jurassic park.  Frightening.

Well.  Three amazing days go by.  I take a ton of pictures.  I did really well exhibiting in artist alley.  But even more importantly, I learned so much and I got tons of information and experience about being successful in the future.

Upcoming conventions where you ca find me:

small one in tucson April 18th.

Phoenix comic-con may 28th.

For now, please enjoy these following pictures I took at wondercon. 🙂

wondercon comicon
this was a small portion of the crowd an hour before it opens
hulk artist  alley srawing snetch.
striking a pose at the booth
death star. starwars  star wars.  sketching. art.
sketching at the con, i actually ended up giving this away.
commission i did for a fan. this is one of my favorite characters from my all time favorite game. cloud strife
comic-con, wondercon, batman, art, sketch,
a batman drawing i did for the con. sold it for $20 🙂

comic art, games, gamers, wondercon fanstt
these were some amazing figure sculptures
light saber,  comic-con, wondercon,
my boys having a light saber battle
wondercon comic-con cosplay characters marry poppins
i freaking loved these two. they were absolutely perfect.
cosplay cosplayers wondercon comic-con
arent these two cosplayers cute
vivi final fantasy cosplay
the absolute best cosplay ever. i fell in love with this person. absolutely epic. this costume made the whole convention for me

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