Wondercon: exhibiting and visiting. 

“Wow!”         ….I can’t think of any other way to start this post and describe this convention.   First I’d like to point out that we really didn’t get the warmest of welcomes. Actually, compared to some of the cons in AZ, it was a terrible welcome.   But as an exhibitor I was, in no way, prepared for the massiveness of this convention.  After realizing how massive and important this convention is, I suddenly felt very small over in the corner at my little “Artist Alley” table.  Once I got a hold of myself I realized that this weekend was going to be amazing.   Wondercon kicks ass,  and also kicked my ass

At first I was a little offended when I heard one con employee refer to the crowd as the “sheeple.”  Once I saw the size of the crowd I understood where he was coming from.

The massive crowd began roaring when the announcer came on the PA and said (the convention floor is now open). It shook the walls.   if I had to compare it to something, I would say it was like the first time you heard the dinosaur roar in Jurassic park.  Frightening.

Well.  Three amazing days go by.  I take a ton of pictures.  I did really well exhibiting in artist alley.  But even more importantly, I learned so much and I got tons of information and experience about being successful in the future.

Upcoming conventions where you ca find me:

small one in tucson April 18th.

Phoenix comic-con may 28th.

For now, please enjoy these following pictures I took at wondercon. 🙂

wondercon comicon
this was a small portion of the crowd an hour before it opens
hulk artist  alley srawing snetch.
striking a pose at the booth
death star. starwars  star wars.  sketching. art.
sketching at the con, i actually ended up giving this away.
commission i did for a fan. this is one of my favorite characters from my all time favorite game. cloud strife
comic-con, wondercon, batman, art, sketch,
a batman drawing i did for the con. sold it for $20 🙂

comic art, games, gamers, wondercon fanstt
these were some amazing figure sculptures
light saber,  comic-con, wondercon,
my boys having a light saber battle
wondercon comic-con cosplay characters marry poppins
i freaking loved these two. they were absolutely perfect.
cosplay cosplayers wondercon comic-con
arent these two cosplayers cute
vivi final fantasy cosplay
the absolute best cosplay ever. i fell in love with this person. absolutely epic. this costume made the whole convention for me

Portrait demo turns into my favorite piece.


I did a portrait demo/lesson last year for a high school class and I used a really cool photo reference of this feisty looking black woman. It was meant to be a quick demo on how I lay down the face and make it all come together. However, before I knew it, this drawing turned into something really fun. I wish I still had it, but I ended up giving it away to a student…. I think. Anyway, I’ll be posting some images and demos this week. Lots of art critiques to come. And even a demo on how I stretch and prep canvas for a painting. Definitely a lot of posts this week, I have a lot of catching up to do.

Yoda on the Rise, a colored pencil drawing of Yoda levitating.

Custom drawing example by andrew horvath.  drawing, artist, original art, by freelance artist andrew horvath
Levitating Yoda            By: Andrew Horvat

This is a drawing of a levitating Yoda.  I wanted to create the drawing in my own style, while also still representing Yoda and all his vast awesomeness.   What do you think?

Enjoy some sushi. “Three Piece Sushi” Original Painting by Andrew Horvath

sushi, art, artist, painting, oil, impressionism, impressionist, canvas, gallery, show, illustration, art artist,

Well today is Throwback Thursday,  and instead of just posting an old image, I am going to release a new print, of an old image.  you can visit my etsy shop or contact me.  Or, just let me know what you think.  🙂


Freelance artist. am I a business owner www.andrewspencil.com

There’s a weird pattern to getting jobs.  one week I woke up every morning to find a new job request in my email.  It was such a rewarding feeling.  Commission drawings, custom portrait, draw my classic car, car portraits and car drawings.  Yea I know, lot’s of exciting buzz words, it’s my dream coming true.   I felt like there was a flood of work.  Although, that dried up quick, and I haven’t had a job in a few weeks. 

It’s the 4th week into summer and, needless to say, I haven’t been teaching.   A lot of people look at me and say, ‘Oh, enjoy your summer vacation.’  Okay, so for the record, I don’t get paid during the summer months, so instead of calling it a vacation, just call it a ‘temporary unemployment.’  I am moving fast and getting lot’s of portrait drawings done.  I just hope that I can start paying my bills so I can continue doing what I love, drawing and making custom art.

Teacher who has turned into an artist…. custom art, portraiture, drawings, design; I draw cars, I draw pets, I draw people. Accurate affordable drawings done by a professional artist!

Summertime is right around the corner.  “Summertime, and the living’s easy.”    Although, I can’t be too lazy!  I have a lot of commissions to wrap up and also, I landed a pretty interesting summer job. I’m going to be promoting “Art Instruction School.”   It’s a pretty neat school. It offers a lot of unique classes.  and it’s very personal, students work from home.   A lot of famous artists went there.    … one more week and my current job is over.   … and my co-worker just bought me a burrito from the local mexican restaurant.   Today is a very good day! 

I have been doing a lot of custom art lately.  Many portraits and drawings are available on the website, but also on etsy, art galleries, and the downtown art walks.    All of this exposure has kept me pretty busy.  Which is an incredibly rewarding feeling.    I did a custom drawing for my brother recently of Data from star trek dressed as Sherlock Holmes.  He loved the drawing, I just asked him to let me hang on to it for another day or two while I touch it up.  well, during the art walk last week….. This woman begged me to sell it.  I told her that I wouldn’t.  …I couldn’t….     …. …. But I did.  I caved.  She loved it so much, and it made me feel so good, how could I deny her the geeky satisfaction she would get from owning a drawing done of Data dressed as Sherlock.  

Okay, I have got to run.  But I have so much more to say.  I’ll be back.    Just remember I do lot’s of custom drawings, portrait art, and many more styles.   custom art, portraiture, drawings, design;  I draw cars, I draw pets, I draw people.    Accurate affordable drawings done by a professional artist!  But for now enjoy this drawing of data~!


MESA art walk tonight. wedding portraits, drawings and custom art.

I’ve been working on some fan art lately that has brought back some good memories.  I really miss gaming all the time, reading graphic novels, and being part of that community.  Some of the games and comics get a little cheesy sometimes.    I just got on youtube and browsed some old games and music.  It made me feel very nastalgic.  it gave me goosebumps and made me feel empowered.  music from musicians like Apocolyptica and two steps from hell,  ignore the name, because the music is very classical sounding.  It’s a very specific genre and style that I really miss.  …What happened to me!  Somehow it’s about 10 years later, and now I’m a responsible adult and parent.   HOW BORING.  heh, all kidding aside, I love my family and the life I have created.  It’s been exhausting but also very rewarding.    Now, I have more time on my hands.  My kids have school and homework and lots of activities that keep them busy and productive.  So, I have been pursuing my art as a career.  It has been a blast, and I have been spending a lot more time in the comic book stores, working on computers, playing games and feeling like my young nerdy self again.   what a blast!  

Tonight is the second friday of the month and every second friday, Downtown Mesa AZ has an art walk.  I have a booth displaying my artwork and i hope to get some commissions going to.   I am very excited about tonight’s evening.  Wish me luck! Time to get to work with some drawing. I want to do some car drawing today, maybe a portrait of my child